AI-Powered Onboarding

Only 12% of employees found that their organization does a good job with the onboarding experience . But ChatGPT and Midjourney can combine powerfully to give the new joiner a highly personalized, energetic and distinctly Human welcome to a new role, whether it’s their first or their tenth. Learn about Joiner Personas and how to make onboarding AI-powered.

Voice AI

A two-minute audio clip is all you need to clone a voice; before you know it, you are listening to yourself reciting poetry in French or asking where to find a reliable cat café in Japanese. Voice AI has the potential to give so many more of us the ability to be heard in a uniquely Human mode; voice is intimate and emotive, which is also why it is so dangerous, too. This will be highly disruptive – for good and ill – in the months ahead.

AI-Powered HR: The Smooth Exit

Who has time for the offboarding ritual of employee knowledge transfer, contact collection and the all-important exit interview? Surely not the overworked HRBP with a looming annual re-org to hire for in Q3. And it’s also… icky. Who wants to talk to a soon-to-be ex? The AI-Powered HR professional has a jetpack, provided he understands how to use the tools. Whether someone left by choice or by force, using AI to augment our off-boarding process has benefits for all involved.

Why AI Needs Us

With all the emotion swirling around AI, it’s good to know that Humans still – and may always – have the edge when it comes to communicating with other Humans (which, thankfully, we are still doing). Why the absence of Human-generated content will actually make Large Learning Models “dumber”, and where the AI falls short with our daily communications workflow: 7 ways we still outperform the bot, every time.