The Power of Silence

In our current media landscape, with its abundance of information, constant chatter and noise, building in silence has become essential. Generative AI will thousandfold this condition as it issues forth content in all forms – video, images, audio, words-words-words – more than we could ever hope to read across multiple lifetimes. The true art of communication is reductive. Mastery of the tool of silence puts us in another league of Storytellers; the abuela, the shaman.

Why AI Needs Us

With all the emotion swirling around AI, it’s good to know that Humans still – and may always – have the edge when it comes to communicating with other Humans (which, thankfully, we are still doing). Why the absence of Human-generated content will actually make Large Learning Models “dumber”, and where the AI falls short with our daily communications workflow: 7 ways we still outperform the bot, every time.