AI-Powered Talent Retention

AI is changing the talent acquisition landscape; some 63% of European companies and 99% of US Fortune 500 companies use AI to recruit. On the other side of the talent divide, 75% of applicants use AI to help them land a job. What are the consequences? Ghost applicants, vacancy-flooding and interview no-shows. The job of talent acquisition has suddenly become much more difficult. What’s the way forward? Simple; invest in retention. Five ways to leverage AI to keep people from leaving in the first place.

What’s Your Stack?

In the AI-Powered workflow, your “stack” is the selection of AI you use together to meet all your varied needs. There’s no time to road test every single one of these and still carry on with your full-time job. And, most of them carry a monthly subscription. What tools do you need, and what can you live without?

The Irritating Conundrum of AI-Human Alignment

Have you ever entered what you believe is a perfectly harmless prompt only to have a long scolding response from a machine, that our request is somehow improper and thus unanswerable? Why do LLMs feel they need to protect us from ourselves, and inflict their algorithmic morals on all of us? “AI-Alignment” seems more to do with aligning us Humans than creating safe AI.

AI Center of Excellence

The AI-powered leader wants a sustainable, continuously repeating AI maturity cycle within the organisation. A multidisciplinary AI Centre of Excellence (AI CoE) brings together expertise, best practices, and resources to drive excellence and innovation for the specific needs of the business. They start with the pain points – not “doing AI for the sake of doing AI” – and keep the learning and awareness loop levelling up for the organisation. Why an AI CoE is a good idea, and how to build one.

AI-Powered Onboarding

Only 12% of employees found that their organization does a good job with the onboarding experience . But ChatGPT and Midjourney can combine powerfully to give the new joiner a highly personalized, energetic and distinctly Human welcome to a new role, whether it’s their first or their tenth. Learn about Joiner Personas and how to make onboarding AI-powered.

The Digital Nomads of Madeira

Thanks to the tools a pandemic built, the global “Digital Nomad” culture and lifestyle is a growing phenomenon. The freedom to live in beautiful places while still logging in at work, experiencing high levels of wellbeing that you don’t have at home, draws some 10,000 to the island of Madeira and other tropical islands. I spent some time up close and personal with this famous Nomad community.