What’s Your Stack?

In the AI-Powered workflow, your “stack” is the selection of AI you use together to meet all your varied needs. There’s no time to road test every single one of these and still carry on with your full-time job. And, most of them carry a monthly subscription. What tools do you need, and what can you live without?

The Irritating Conundrum of AI-Human Alignment

Have you ever entered what you believe is a perfectly harmless prompt only to have a long scolding response from a machine, that our request is somehow improper and thus unanswerable? Why do LLMs feel they need to protect us from ourselves, and inflict their algorithmic morals on all of us? “AI-Alignment” seems more to do with aligning us Humans than creating safe AI.

Voice AI

A two-minute audio clip is all you need to clone a voice; before you know it, you are listening to yourself reciting poetry in French or asking where to find a reliable cat café in Japanese. Voice AI has the potential to give so many more of us the ability to be heard in a uniquely Human mode; voice is intimate and emotive, which is also why it is so dangerous, too. This will be highly disruptive – for good and ill – in the months ahead.

Epic Communication

As our world becomes ever more complicated and process-oriented, we find our world becoming very small – our digital spaces, the constant distractions and the noise of our current media landscape. We need big stories of adventure, heroes and villains, guides and demons. Insurmountable obstacles. Undying love, loyalty and determination. This speaks to our core, and we can use the tools of the Epic to deliver information, to inspire, to align and to remind us of who we are. Five tools of the great storytellers.

AI-Powered HR: The Smooth Exit

Who has time for the offboarding ritual of employee knowledge transfer, contact collection and the all-important exit interview? Surely not the overworked HRBP with a looming annual re-org to hire for in Q3. And it’s also… icky. Who wants to talk to a soon-to-be ex? The AI-Powered HR professional has a jetpack, provided he understands how to use the tools. Whether someone left by choice or by force, using AI to augment our off-boarding process has benefits for all involved.

The Power of Silence

In our current media landscape, with its abundance of information, constant chatter and noise, building in silence has become essential. Generative AI will thousandfold this condition as it issues forth content in all forms – video, images, audio, words-words-words – more than we could ever hope to read across multiple lifetimes. The true art of communication is reductive. Mastery of the tool of silence puts us in another league of Storytellers; the abuela, the shaman.

Why AI Needs Us

With all the emotion swirling around AI, it’s good to know that Humans still – and may always – have the edge when it comes to communicating with other Humans (which, thankfully, we are still doing). Why the absence of Human-generated content will actually make Large Learning Models “dumber”, and where the AI falls short with our daily communications workflow: 7 ways we still outperform the bot, every time.